The introduction of pines in Russia was began in XVI century when became cultivating the Siberian stone pine P. sibirica Du Tour in European part of country. At present time the introduction of pines is conducting in many tree-culture region of Russia (Lapin et al., 1979; Katalog cultivated woody plants of Russia, 1999). Among closely-related pine species of section Strobus: Swiss pine P. cembra L. (SP), Japanese stone pine P. pumila (Pall.) Regel. (JSP), Korean pine P. koraiensis Sieb. Zucc. (KP), Japanese white pine P. parviflora Sieb. Zucc. (JWP) and Armand`s pine P. Armandi Franchet. (AP) only KP, SP and JSP introduced on the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Western Siberia (Vstovskaja, 1983; Kuznetsova, 2001). Introduction of species Strobus in the field of coniferous forests Western Siberia type to present day is absent.
On the scientific station “Cedar” IMCES SB RAS Tomsk (southern part of Western Siberia forest zone) the introduction was conducted on the base seed (all species) and vegetative progeny (SP, JSP, KP) analysis. The purpose of our research is the primary summation of introduction test. About availability of the woody plants for introduction is judging on the based indexes of viability analysis: degree annual maturing of shoots, winter hardiness, preservation of habit, ability to form the shoots, shoots increase in height regularity, ability for generative development and available patterns reproduction of plants under test in the introduction region. (Lapin et al., 1979).
The vitality and growth period introduced plants in the introduction region are the function climate in their natural habitat. SP like mountain taiga species by majority features dose not differ from local species. Nemoral KP and JWP originated from regions with higher warm characterized by some low resistance to warm deficiency. Subtropical AP is the least resistance in the severe condition of Siberia. At the same time considerable intraspecific differences by the resistance to the new habitat condition as well as the high level variability among clones by all considerable features are allow to select the perspective genotypes for forming the artificial introduction populations. The majority vitality features JSP are related by the specific life-form elfin woods which not able to winter higher snow level. Therefore introduction the species by grafter method it is possible only if high stock not exceed 30 centimeter.
Thus, the estimation vitality and availability introduced pines are shown that all 5 exotic euroasian closely-related pine species quite successfully may be introduced on the south part of Western Siberia forest zone. Literature
Lapin P.I., Kalutskii K.K., Kalutskaya O.N. Introdukcija lesnih porod. – M.: Lesnaja promishlennost, 1979. – 224 s.
Katalog kultiviruemih drevesnih rastenij Rossii. – Sochi – Petrozavodsk, 1999. – 173 s.
Vstovskaja T.N. Introdukcija drevesnih rastenii Dalnego Vostoka v Zapadnoi Sibiri. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1983. – 189 s.
Kuznetsova G.V. Osobennosti rosta I razvitija kedrovih sosen na lesosemennih obektah Sredney Sibiri: Avtoref. dis. … kand. boil. nauk. – Krasnojarsk. 2001. 25 s.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition